Wednesday, April 20, 2011


One thing many new cooks find overwhelming is getting all the steps for a new recipe just right. That is because most recipes on the internet or in cook books assume a certain level of cooking knowledge or practice.
The first step you should always take in the kitchen is to read the recipe all the way through. Look to see what ingredients you need, what tools you'll need, and how long things will take. This way you don't plan a party and then find your self cooking while your guests wait for you to be done, or worse, party with out you!
When cooking multiple dishes, say for a dinner with a main entree and sides, try to know when you will have time to prep and when you won't. Some steps have a lot of down time where things are baking, browning, boiling or simmering. This time is perfect to prep another part of the meal, set the table, prepare the plates, make iced tea etc. Other steps require your full attention which prevents you from chopping the vegetables for step 10.
By reading ahead you will avoid the terror of realizing you need an ingredient you don't have or a tool you haven't bought. It also saves you from learning too late that it will take another hour of baking than anticipated. So read the recipe, gather everything you need and make a plan. This eliminates most of the stress of cooking and allows for the fun to happen!

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