Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chicken Marinara

This meal is delicious and nutritious enough to tempt anybody but if you are interested in giving Tim Ferris' slow-carb diet a try, this meal is easy enough to make and delicious enough to keep you going!

What you'll need
Chicken breasts
Garlic pepper
Spaghetti sauce
Basalmic vinegar
Wine vinegar

Pan cover
Slotted spoon that fits in spaghetti sauce container
Fillet knife
Chef's knife
Cutting board

Heat your pan to a medium low heat. 
While your pan heats up, take your chef's knife and cutting board and dice the onion.
                        If you want to see a great technique, watch my onion dicing video in
                        the skills section. 
Once you have a nice dice put the onion in your nice hot pan and add some  red wine vinegar or some of your favorite red wine! 
Put the cover on the pan and let it simmer, stirring ocasionally.
While the onions cook to perfection its time to prepare the chicken.
                 Most chicken breasts you will find are a bit thicker than you want to cook
                 with. I cut mine with a fillet knife so that they are no thicker than my pinky. 
                 Usually this involves slicing the breast fillet length wise into 2 Long flat even 
Once the onions are done put then aside and put your chicken in that same pan
Sprinkle the herbs and spices onto the chicken breasts and let them cook until the edges begin to turn white like in the picture.
Now flip the chicken breasts, coat the cooked side in herbs as before and pour let the chicken cook until done all the way through.

Pour some balsalmic vinegar on the chicken, flip it and add balsalmic vinegar to the other side.
 Cover the chicken in the wine onions and a spoon of tomato sauce.

                         Try to strain the sauce with your spoon as too much liquid just makes
                         a mess. 

Cover the pan and let the chicken cook for another minute or two.
Congrats you are done! 

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