Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Onion Cutting

First off, it is always funny to make a joke about someone crying when you see them cutting an onion, ...always.

Second, here are some videos about how to cut an onion different ways.

The sound didn't work so you'll have to read. First I point out the root side (brown side) and the flower side of the onion. Cut off the flower side and peel back the outermost layer of the onion. cut the Onion is half as shown. To dice the onion, cut toward the root, parallel to the cutting board, next cut toward the root as shown. then cut parallel to the root. With practice at proper spacing you will make nice little cubes of onions, or close enough :)

To Julienne (or cut thin spears) an onion you can use the onion's natural layers to do most of the work for you. prepare the onion as you did in the dicing video. Once you have cut the flower end, cut the root end, peel the onion and cut the half again into a quarter. now make thin cuts up the side of the onion as shown and you have your julienne! Just separate the pieces and you are done! This is great for sandwiches or fajitas!

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